The National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) forms strategic alliances with organizations that support efforts to reduce childhood obesity in the United States. These strategic alliances enhance NCCOR’s capacity to develop innovative tools and solutions that move the field of childhood obesity research forward.

NCCOR is focused on:

  • Supporting researchers with tools that help build the capacity for research and surveillance
  • Maximizing outcomes from research and supporting evaluations
  • Using innovation to stimulate broad thinking to generate fresh, synergistic ideas
  • Increasing knowledge to find solutions by promoting new research funding mechanisms and translating and disseminating research findings

In March 2015, NCCOR announced its first strategic funding alliance with The JPB Foundation. The Foundation strives to enhance the quality of life in the United States through transformational initiatives that promote the health of our communities by creating opportunities for those living in poverty, enabling pioneering medical research, and enriching and sustaining our environment.

The two-year grant from The JPB Foundation enables the Collaborative to strengthen the Measures Registry, its landmark, online tool that allows researchers to find and select measures critical to conducting childhood obesity research. This strategic alliance allows NCCOR to continue its efforts to propel the field toward the more consistent use of common measures and research methods across childhood obesity prevention and research. Learn more about The JPB Foundation.

NCCOR by the numbers


Major research tools to accelerate progress in childhood obesity research


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