Free, trusted, and time-saving! The Measures Registry Resource Suite offers research tools to help researchers, practitioners, and students improve their work by using resources supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Institutes of Health (NIH), United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF).

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Explore the tools

START with an overview of the domains by watching the Measures Registry Learning Modules.

Measures Registry Learning Modules

The Learning Modules walk you through measurement selection on your own time through 5 to 15-minute modules in the four major domains.

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SELECT the domain(s) and review the corresponding Measures Registry User Guides.

Measures Registry User Guides

NCCOR’s Measures Registry User Guides are a great resource for those seeking detailed instructions on how to find the best measure for their work.

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USE the Measures Registry. Select the appropriate measure to address your research or evaluation question.

Measures Registry

The Measures Registry provides users with a searchable database of more than 1,600 articles with more than 200 discrete measures to answer their research questions.

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DETERMINE whether adaptation is needed for your population using the Measures for Children at High Risk for Obesity Decision Tree.

Measures for Children at High Risk for Obesity Decision Tree

The Decision Tree walks researchers and practitioners through a series of questions regarding whether to develop, adapt, or apply an instrument for obesity measures in high-risk populations.

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NCCOR offers many educational tools and resources to help you make the most of the Measures Registry Resource Suite. Access them by visiting the Resource Library and selecting “Measures Registry” from the topic menu. 

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