Purpose: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) established the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) which funds competitive grants for fundamental and applied research, education, and extension to address food and agricultural sciences. In FY 2013, AFRI is supporting new awards within the AFRI Childhood Obesity Prevention Area, a program designed to achieve the long-term outcomes of reducing the prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents aged 2-19 years. Project types supported by AFRI within this Challenge Area will propose multi-function Integrated Research, Education, and Extension Projects, and Food and Agricultural Science Enhancement (FASE) Grants. A successful integrated project will include all three functions of the agricultural knowledge system (i.e., research, education, and extension) within a project, focused around a problem or issue.
Receipt Date: April 11, 2013
Total Awards: $5,000,000
Eligibility: Eligible applicants include:

  • 1862 Land-Grant Institutions
  • 1890 Land-Grant Institutions
  • 1994 Land-Grant Institutions
  • Hispanic-Serving Institutions
  • Other or Additional Information (see below)

The list above is abbreviated. Others may be eligible to apply. Eligibility may differ based on Program Area. Please review Part III, A of the current AFRI Childhood Obesity Prevention RFA for more specific eligibility requirements. Note restrictions that apply to integrated applicants. Applications from ineligible institutions will not be reviewed.

Link: http://www.nifa.usda.gov/fo/childhoodobesityafri.cfm
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