Purpose: America Walks and the Every Body Walk! Collaborative are pleased to announce a new micro grant program designed to assist local walking advocates build on the momentum of the newly released Surgeon General’s Call to Action.
Receipt Date: Oct. 15, 2015 by 5:00 pm EDT
Total Awards: This one time award will fund 10-15 community groups up to $2,500.00 for activities designed to increase local walking programming and stimulate community demand for infrastructure improvements that provide accessible, safe walkable places for the entire community.
Eligibility: Eligible activities designed to strengthen or elevate walking programs include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Conduct a local social marketing campaign that engages people in ongoing walking events, activities or groups
  • Provide people with point of decision prompts, such as take the stairs campaigns, to encourage walking/rolling rather than riding
  • Establish incentives and rewards, such as walker discounts at local stores, for those that use active transportation
  • Create and mark walking paths, trails, and routes, (i.e. use paint to mark a path on downtown sidewalks and put up distance signs)

Eligible activities to fortify the policies, systems, and environments that create walkable places include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Establish regularly scheduled play streets and other pedestrian oriented activities for streets such as car free days, creating a parklet, etc.
  • Expand and engage community members in pushing for more walkable places by conducting community education and organizing event(s)
  • Work to prioritize street scale improvements (e.g., crosswalks and connected sidewalk systems, benches, and beautification)
  • Conduct walk audits
  • Create a better block
Link: http://americawalks.org/call-to-action-every-body-walk-collaborative-micro-grants/
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