Purpose: Public health agencies play a critical role in our nation’s health system. The dramatic increases in the length and quality of life for so many Americans over the past century are attributed, in large part, to the efforts of public health and the work of public health agencies to keep people healthy and safe. As communities face new challenges, like the increasing burden of chronic disease and lean fiscal environments, and new opportunities like advances in technology, many public health officials and policy-makers are exploring new ways to organize and structure the management and delivery of public health services. One such strategy is the sharing of services, resources and functions across multiple public health agencies and jurisdictions. Referred to as cross-jurisdictional sharing (CJS), these arrangements range from informal agreements around sharing discrete services or programs, to regionalization including the formal merger or consolidation of multiple public health agencies. In order to better understand the opportunity and impact of cross-jurisdictional sharing among public health agencies, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) will fund up to 18 teams across the country that are exploring, implementing or improving cross-jurisdictional sharing arrangements to participate in the Shared Services Learning Community.
Receipt Date: Aug. 29, 2012, 3:00 p.m. EDT
Total Awards: Up to $125,000 for up to 24 months
Eligibility: RWJF seeks proposals from teams that includes, at a minimum, public health leaders and policymakers (i.e., public administrators, board members, and/or elected officials) from each jurisdiction involved in the cross-jurisdictional sharing effort.Teams must choose an organization to serve as the lead organization and grant recipient, and to be eligible the applicant organization must be located in the United States or its territories and be a:

  • State or local government agency; or
  • Tribal group recognized by the U.S. federal government; or
  • Nonprofit organization that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
Link: http://www.rwjf.org/applications/solicited/cfp.jsp?ID=21397&cid=XEM_A6078
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