On this page, you will find all the NCCOR COEB Project documentation, including the project manual of procedures, obesity intervention component taxonomy, taxonomy-specific database, and bibliography.

Manual of Procedures

The purpose of the Manual of Procedures is to describe the methods and coding schema used to create this dataset.

Manual of Procedures

Taxonomy Overview

Four taxonomies were created for the NCCOR COEB Project via the grounded approach12: intervention components, intended recipient characteristics, intervention component context, and outcomes. Only studies that included measures of Body Mass Index (BMI) were included in the final taxonomic meta-analysis.

Taxonomy Overview

Database Instructions

This document outlines the development of the COEB dataset and instructions for how users can use the dataset for independent analysis.

Database Instructions


A primary output of the NCCOR COEB Project is a dataset of 51 unique studies with 147 supplemental documents (total of 198 articles) of childhood obesity interventions to which taxonomic categorization or coding has been applied. This dataset can be used by researchers for independent analysis. Users can analyze the dataset in its entirety, or they can identify or isolate individual studies in the database or groups of studies sharing common characteristics.


Supplemental materials for the taxonomic meta-analysis:

Have you used the COEB Project documentation for your research? Tell us how here! If you have difficulty using any of these online materials, please let us know so we can facilitate better use of this resource.


Childhood Obesity Evidence Base. National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research. https://nccorstg.wpengine.com/projects/childhood-obesity-evidence-base-test-of-a-novel-taxonomic-meta-analytic-method/project-documentation/ [Accessed on: Month Day, Year].


  1. Glaser B, Strauss A. The Discovery of Grounded Theory: Strategies for qualitative research. Chicago: Aldine. 1967.
  2. Strauss A, Corbin J. Grounded theory methodology. Handbook of Qualitative Research. 1994;17:273-85.
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