
Connect & Explore: A New Model for Integrating Clinical-Community Systems and Tackling Obesity

NCCOR’s Connect & Explore Webinar examines soon-to-be published research advocating a shift in the framework to prevent and treat obesity and related chronic diseases

Clinical interventions alone are not enough to prevent and treat obesity. To achieve the Triple Aim goals—improving population health, advancing the care experience, and reducing health care costs—a new model that links the clinic to the community is needed.

Members of the Institute of Medicine’s Roundtable on Obesity Solutions present the new model in the September issue of Health Affairs. An evolved Chronic Care Model, it is tailored to the prevention and treatment of chronic diseases. The model aims to build and make possible the clinical and community linkages paramount to addressing obesity in children and families.

The National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) will explore the Roundtable’s efforts, particularly how a new model could revolutionize how we prevent and treat obesity in America. The webinar will:

  • Provide examples of how to link the clinic and community
  • Consider what provider training will be necessary
  • Discuss incentives for health systems to link with community programs and systems
  • Address challenges associated with integration and implementation

“The community is now an integral part of the model,” said William H. Dietz, webinar guest and director of the Sumner M. Redstone Global Center for Prevention and Wellness at The George Washington University. “Centered on patient empowerment and engagement, the new model integrates strategies across clinical and community systems that are likely to play a role in obesity prevention and treatment.”

The Health Affairs issue, available at 4 pm, Eastern, the day of the webinar and titled “Non-Communicable Diseases: The Growing Burden,” contains some 20 peer-reviewed studies, analyses, and commentaries from leading researchers, analysts, industry experts, and health and health care stakeholders.

Connect & Explore gives you the chance to get new research highlights first. Learn how innovative strategies proposed by the new model might be facilitated by the Affordable Care Act, with its emphasis on prevention and new systems for care delivery.

Join us at 4 pm, Eastern, on Tuesday, Sept. 8, for the one-hour event.

You must register to receive webinar access. The event is free but attendance is limited, so tell a friend and register today!

Register for Connect & Explore: A New Model for Integrating Clinical-Community Systems and Tackling Obesity

Please consider sharing this information on your social networks using the hashtag #ConnectExplore. We will also be live tweeting the event so be sure to follow the conversation at @NCCOR. For those who cannot attend, the webinar will be recorded and archived on

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