The American Public Health Association, American Planning Association, National Network of Public Health Institutes, and Georgia Institute of Technology recently launched a greatly expanded Built Environment and Public Health Clearinghouse (BEPHC) as a resource for community design and public health training and community building. It is intended to be an evolving resource for training at the university and professional levels and a source for relevant news at the critical intersection of health and place.
The newly launched BEPHC website offers both academic and professional training resources that address the link between public health and planning, architecture, health impact assessment, transportation engineering, and other fields. The academic training pages provide information on courses taught at the university level that link public health to the built environment, while the professional training pages resources include multi-sector tools, training, case studies, and best practices to create, promote, and maintain healthy places.
The Clearinghouse site contains 56 free webinars with over 150 offerings on multi-sector approaches to population health, 23 academic planning programs, an expanded multidisciplinary glossary of over 1,100 terms, and a comprehensive list of informative blogs.
For more information email or sign up for the BEPHC newsletter. Follow @healthyplaces_ on twitter for frequent updates, and join the LinkedIn group to take part in the conversation.