NCCOR hosted a special Connect & Explore two-part webinar series highlighting the recently released Measures Registry User Guides. If you missed the webinars, you can access recordings and slides at
The Measures Registry User Guides were launched in February to help childhood obesity researchers and practitioners choose appropriate measures for their research and evaluation efforts. The User Guides build on NCCOR’s Measures Registry—a free, online repository of scientific articles about measures. The four User Guides focus on core areas of childhood obesity research: individual diet, food environment, individual physical activity, and physical activity environment.
On March 28, the authors of the Individual Diet and Food Environment User Guides presented on key considerations in measuring dietary behavior and assessing the food environment. Speakers included Sharon Kirkpatrick, PhD, RD; Amanda Raffoul, MSc; Leslie Lytle, PhD; and Allison Myers, PhD, MPH.
On April 12, the authors of the Individual Physical Activity and Physical Activity Environment User Guides covered the behavior epidemiology framework, socio-ecological framework for active living, and validity and reliability of different measures including GIS-based measures. Speakers included Gregory Welk, PhD; James Morrow, Jr., PhD, FACSM, FNAK; Pedro Saint-Maurice, PhD; Jordan Carlson, PhD; and James Sallis, PhD.
More than 250 people attended both webinars. NCCOR’s post-webinar surveys suggest that respondents overwhelmingly agreed the webinars were a good use of their time (89 percent) and that they would recommend this webinar to a colleague or friend (85 percent). The majority of survey respondents were from academic institutions (49 percent), followed by government agencies (28 percent). Of the survey participants, 84 percent said they were either very likely or somewhat likely to use at least one of the Measures Registry User Guides. Most survey respondents indicated they would use them to select the correct measure for their research project (56 percent) or to determine tools and indicators for an evaluation project (51 percent).
Access the recordings and slides at
NCCOR posts all Connect & Explore webinar recordings and slides on the NCCOR website at