The Institute of Medicine (IOM) held a public workshop, “Physical Activity and Physical Education in Schools: Perspectives on Successes, Barriers, and Opportunities” on Sept. 20, 2012. Its purpose was to provide the IOM with viewpoints from individuals in academia as well as practitioners of physical activity and physical education programs in the school environment. The presentation slides and agenda from this meeting have recently been released and are now available to the public.
The workshop featured a variety of expert speakers who discussed the following programmatic approaches.
1) Physical Education
2) Physical Activity in the Classroom
3) Physical Activity during Recess/Breaks
4) Intramural and Extramural Sports
5) Active Transport
The workshop included a 30-minute information-gathering forum which provided a venue and opportunity for interested stakeholders to present relevant information, evidence, and suggestions for the committee to consider as it develops recommendations for strengthening and improving programs and policies for physical activity and physical education in the school environment, including before, during, and after school. Presenters were allotted three minutes to present an oral statement to the committee.
The workshop agenda and speaker slide presentations are available here under “Other Meeting Resources.” An audio recording of the proceedings will also soon be posted on the IOM’s website.