The USDA’s Supplemental Food Assistance Program (SNAP) provides help to nearly 45 million people—about 1 in 7 people in the United States. Nearly half are children younger than 18.

Historically, the focus of SNAP-Education, or SNAP-Ed, was on nutrition education for SNAP recipients, but the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 transformed the program into a nutrition education and obesity prevention grant program explicitly adopting obesity prevention as a major emphasis and embracing comprehensive evidence-based strategies delivered through community-based and public health approaches.

NCCOR has worked closely with USDA since 2010 to develop a series of prevention and evaluation resources, including:

  • The SNAP-Ed Toolkit: a portfolio of existing, evidence-based, and actionable tools consistent with the context and policies of SNAP and incorporating evidence-based obesity strategies.
  • The SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework: a focused menu of outcome indicators that align with the SNAP‐Ed guiding principles and lend support to documenting changes resulting from multiple approaches in low-income nutrition education and obesity prevention efforts. The Framework is presented in a logic model format to inform multi-year planning and evaluation.
  • The Interpretive Guide to the SNAP-Ed Evaluation Framework: identifies and explains the Evaluation Framework indicators, outcome measures, and preferred methodologies for tracking success and developing state- and local-level SNAP‐Ed objectives and reporting program evaluation to FNS, other funders, and program stakeholders.

In 2019, all of these SNAP-Ed resources were moved to a new SNAP-Ed Toolkit website.




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