Purpose: This RFA provides funds for researchers to collect time-sensitive data for impending environmental or policy changes. Pilot projects should use a systems science framework, but need not use system science methods. The JHGCCO seeks to jumpstart systems-oriented childhood obesity research in a rapidly-changing physical or policy environment by supporting opportune pilot and feasibility projects with timelines that would not allow funding through the regular NIH review cycles. Support from this RFA will enable researchers to more successfully compete for additional funding at the NIH or elsewhere to collect follow-up data and complete the evaluation of policy and/or environmental changes.Studies funded through this program will contribute to assessment of the effects or potential effects of existing or impending policy, system, and/or environmental changes— (e.g., schools, homes, food and dining outlets, health care settings, community-based organizations)—on children’s diet, physical activity, energy balance and weight status.
Receipt Date: March 30, 2012
Total Awards: The JHGCCO will dedicate $100,000 each year over the next five years to fund 3-5 pilot projects in the range of $20,000 to $30,000 each in total costs, depending on the nature of the proposal.  Up to 3 pilot projects will be funded in this round.
Eligibility: Proposals are welcomed from investigators with diverse backgrounds and at varying career levels worldwide. Investigators must be affiliated with a university, agency, or research center that meets the same eligibility criteria that apply to NIH funding.  See http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-HD-10-001.html. Junior and minority investigators are strongly encouraged to apply. World-wide researchers are all eligible, and the Center encourages investigators in non-US based institutions to apply.
Link: https://www.nccor.org/downloads/JHGCCO-RRPC%20RFA%20final%202-16-12.pdf
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