Purpose: | This Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is issued by the National Institutes of Health’s Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), and the Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences Research (OBSSR). The FOA encourages Research Project Grant (R21) applications that propose to: (1) foster multidisciplinary research that will evaluate how policies (federal, state and school district levels) can influence school physical activity and nutrition environments, youths’ obesogenic behaviors (e.g., nutrition and physical activity behaviors), and weight outcomes; (2) understand how schools are implementing these policies and examine multi-level influences on adoption and implementation at various levels (e.g., federal, state, school district, and school); and (3) understand the synergistic or counteractive effect of school nutrition and physical activity polices on the home and community environment and body weight. |
Receipt Date: | Cycle Due Dates (new submission): Feb. 16, June 16, Oct. 16 Expires: May 8, 2016 |
Total Awards: | Direct costs are limited to $275,000 over a two-year project period. No more than $200,000 may be requested in any single year. |
Eligibility: | Any individual(s) with the skills, knowledge, and resources necessary to carry out the proposed research as the Program Director(s)/Principal Investigator(s) (PD(s)/PI(s)) is invited to work with his/her organization to develop an application for support. Individuals from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups as well as individuals with disabilities are always encouraged to apply for NIH support. |
Link: | http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/PA-files/PA-13-098.html |