Displaying 24 of 24 results

Higher blood pressure at 18 means hardening arteries at 40

February 26, 2014

By Maanvi Singh Young people in their teens and early 20s probably aren't thinking about heart disease. But maybe it's time they did. People who have slightly higher blood pressure when they're ages 18 to 25 are more likely to...
Diabetes risk tied to weight gain in youth

November 25, 2013

By Michael Smith The risk of developing diabetes in adulthood is associated with weight in adolescence and weight gain during the teens and early 20s, researchers reported. In a longitudinal cohort of teens and young adults, the timing of the weight...
High blood pressure common among overweight kids

October 24, 2013

Overweight and obese children have a high risk of developing high blood pressure, a new study warns. Researchers analyzed the health records of nearly 250,000 children, aged 6 to 17, in California, and found those who were overweight were twice...
Obese kids at four-times risk of high blood pressure

September 23, 2013

By Amir Khan Childhood obesity can lead to a host of health problems, including diabetes, heart disease and hypertension, and the risk may be worse than previously thought, according to preliminary new research being presented at the American Heart Association...
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