Displaying 24 of 24 results

Americans don’t want soda tax, size restrictions

May 26, 2014

By Stacey Shackford Those hoping to dilute Americans' taste for soda, energy drinks, sweetened tea, and other sugary beverages should take their quest to school lunchrooms rather than legislative chambers, according to a recent study by media and health policy...
Study: Fried food can cause some more weight gain, depending on genes

April 14, 2014

By Kim Painter A diet full of fried foods isn't good for anyone, but it may result in more weight gain for people at a high genetic risk of obesity, a new study suggests. The study, published in the journal...
Americans consume too much added sugars, study says, and it’s killing us

March 17, 2014

By Karen Kaplan Americans consume too much sugar, and our collective sweet tooth is killing us. So says a study published Feb. 3 by the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. It finds that 71.4 percent of U.S. adults get more than...
Heavier dieters using diet drinks should look at food too, study says

February 24, 2014

By Mary MacVean Overweight and obese adults who use diet drinks to help them lose weight need to take another look at the food they eat, according to researchers who reported Jan. 16 that those people ate more food calories than overweight...
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