Purpose | This funding opportunity supports unusually innovative intervention research which, if successful, would have a major impact on preventing, reducing, or eliminating health disparities and advancing health equity. Interventions addressing research questions that target social determinants of health (SDOH), which include structural factors and conditions of daily life, are required for this initiative (See NIH SDOH conceptualization here https://www.ninr.nih.gov/researchandfunding/nih-sdohrcc#tabs2). SDOH can be addressed alone or in combination with other determinants of health and as part of a single or multilevel intervention approach. Although a formative research phase may be necessary for some projects, an intervention research component is required for each proposed project. Applicants may propose interventions addressing disparities in any health condition, disease, or health behavior that align with the priority research areas of listed NIH Institutes, Centers, and Offices. [Click to read more on the NIH website.] |
Receipt Date | March 22, 2024 |
Total Awards | Application budgets cannot exceed $500,000 in direct costs per year and must reflect the actual needs of the proposed project. |
Eligibility |
Higher Education Institutions
The following types of Higher Education Institutions are always encouraged to apply for NIH support as Public or Private Institutions of Higher Education:
Local Governments
Federal Governments
Link | https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/rfa-files/RFA-NR-24-004.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter |