NCCOR’s Catalogue of Surveillance Systems provides one-stop access to more than 100 surveys and other data sets, allowing users to search and select surveys that provide a wealth of data at the national, state, and local levels. Each system includes a range of variables related to childhood obesity, such as health behaviors, outcomes, and determinants and policies and environmental factors.
NCCOR recently updated the Catalogue of Surveillance Systems and added eight new surveillance systems:
- American Housing Survey
- Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System
- WIC Participants and Characteristics Report
- WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study
- School Nutrition and Meal Cost Study
- SNAP Policy Database
- Linked HUD Administrative Data for the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey and the National health Interview Survey
The Catalogue provides a unique window on obesity-related environmental factors and policies, as well as trends in relevant determinants, health behaviors, and outcomes.
For example, researchers who are interested in the relationship between housing, health, and obesity may look to the American Housing Survey to study the quality and cost of housing in the United States. Data for participants from the National Health Interview Survey and the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were linked to data from HUD administrative records. This linked data could assist researchers in examining the health and well-being of individuals who live in HUD-assisted housing.
Additionally, researchers who are interested in studying food assistance may be interested in the WIC Participants and Characteristics Report, WIC Infant and Toddler Feeding Practices Study, and SNAP Policy Database.
Have you used the Catalogue before? Tell us how, and you could be featured in our next case study. The Catalogue of Surveillance Systems is available at