Displaying 24 of 24 results

After-school exercise yields brain gains

October 6, 2014

By Tara Haelle Regular daily exercise appears to improve children's attention and multitasking skills, according to a new study. Elementary school-age students who participated in an after-school program with plenty of physical activity showed greater improvements in several areas of...
Lower IQ, worse heart fitness in teens linked to risk of early dementia in men

May 12, 2014

Having a lower IQ or poorer fitness at age 18 might increase a man's risk of developing dementia before age 60, a new study suggests. The analysis of data from 1.1 million Swedish men suggested that the risk of early...
Playing high school sports associated with better health and fitness in old age

February 12, 2014

If you played high-school sports, your future self may thank you. A new study shows that playing sports in high school is a predictor of whether a man in his 70s will be fit and healthy. The study, published in...
Kids worldwide are less fit than their parents were, study shows

December 18, 2013

Today's kids can't keep up with their parents. An analysis of studies on millions of children around the world finds they don't run as fast or as far as their parents did when they were young. On average, it takes...
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