Displaying 24 of 24 results

Hungry or not, kids will eat treats

November 7, 2014

Even though they are not hungry, children as young as age 3 find high-energy treats too tempting to refuse, according to new research from the Queensland University of Technology (QUT). In a study of 3- and 4-year-olds, 100 percent of...
Smaller bowls may keep kids from overeating

January 3, 2014

Having youngsters use smaller bowls may be one way to help reduce childhood obesity, a new study suggests. In their first experiment, researchers gave 8- or 16-ounce bowls to 69 preschoolers. Adults then served the children cereal and milk in...
Kids who add sleep can subtract pounds, study suggests

December 6, 2013

Getting kids to eat less may be as simple as making sure they get a good night's sleep, a new small study suggests. That doesn't mean sleep is the answer to the U.S. obesity epidemic, but it might be one...
Pushing kids to eat may cause obesity later

April 23, 2013

While growing up, many children may have heard "clean your plate" or been denied candy. But how do parental attitudes toward food affect a child's weight? Denying certain foods to children or pressuring them to eat every bit of a...
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