Displaying 24 of 24 results

Study: Fried food can cause some more weight gain, depending on genes

April 14, 2014

By Kim Painter A diet full of fried foods isn't good for anyone, but it may result in more weight gain for people at a high genetic risk of obesity, a new study suggests. The study, published in the journal...
School health program helps kids get active

March 5, 2014

By Genevra Pittman Investing in a broad school health program could lead to in-school and at-home benefits for students, a new Canadian study hints. Children increased their daily physical activity on both school days and weekends in the years after...
Rich or poor, schools fall short on providing physical activity

March 3, 2014

By Milly Dawson Schools in wealthier areas are more likely to have a physical education (PE) teacher on staff than are schools in poorer areas, but students in both wealthy and less affluent areas are coming up short with regard...
New infographic explores how changing communities gets people moving

February 25, 2014

Communities across the nation are doing more to ensure that streets, sidewalks, schools, and parks support walking, biking, and playing. A new infographic from Active Living Research (ALR) highlights several studies that evaluated changes in physical activity after the implementation...
Gardening counts as moderate- to high-intensity exercise for kids, study finds

February 19, 2014

Gardening counts as moderate- to high-intensity exercise for kids, according to a small new study. To gauge the physical intensity of common gardening activities, Korean researchers had 17 children with an average age of 12 in South Korea wear telemetric...
Study: Preschoolers require 11 hours to achieve recommended daily physical activity

February 14, 2014

Preschool-aged children require the majority of their waking day, approximately 11 hours, to achieve their recommended daily physical activity, a Vanderbilt study published in Obesity found. Children in the study, ages 3-5, achieved this activity through relatively short bursts of energy expenditure...
How being heavy or lean shapes our view of exercise

February 10, 2014

By Gretchen Reynolds Overweight women’s brains respond differently to images of exercise than do the brains of leaner women, a sophisticated new neurological study finds, suggesting that our attitudes toward physical activity may be more influenced by our body size...
Study: Physical activity does not help burn abdominal fat in teens

February 7, 2014

By Stephen Adkins It is a known fact that eating junk food causes bulging waistlines in adolescents. But a study by the UPV/EHU University of the Basque Country has found that abdominal fat cannot be reduced even if they engage...
Study: Strength training may boost kids’ activity

December 9, 2013

By Genevra Pittman Whether children can and should participate in strength training has been a contentious issue. But new research suggests it is safe and may encourage young people to be more active in their everyday lives. Researchers randomly assigned...
Equipment, encouragement gets kids active during recess

November 20, 2013

By Allison Bond Providing children with sports equipment, encouragement, and a safe environment boosts their activity level during the school day, according to a recent study from Australia. Researchers found that simple steps such as making sure elementary school students...
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