Displaying 24 of 24 results

New commentary explores the negative impact of weight bias

September 22, 2014

Theodore Kyle and Rebecca Puhlare are participants on the Institute of Medicine (IOM) Roundtable on Obesity Solutions. In a new commentary, Kyle and Puhlare examine the negative impact of weight bias on finding solutions to the obesity epidemic. In the...
Rates of abdominal obesity leveling off among kids

September 15, 2014

By Kathryn Doyle After rising steadily for more than 10 years, the proportion of U.S. kids defined as obese due to a large waist circumference held steady [from] 2003–2012, according to a new analysis of national data. The new results...
Walking, biking, and taking public transit tied to lower weight

September 11, 2014

By Andrew Seaman People who walk, bike, or take public transportation to work tend to be thinner than those who ride in their own cars, according to a new study from the United Kingdom. The new findings — including that...
Train your brain to crave healthy food

September 9, 2014

By Jacque Wilson It may be possible to rewire your brain so that it wants — craves, even — healthier foods. How? By following a healthy diet. We know, that wasn't the quick fix to afternoon ice cream binges you were...
One in four U.S. kids underestimate their weight

September 8, 2014

Many obese and overweight kids don't see themselves that way, which makes achieving a healthy weight almost impossible, researchers report. In a new study, 27 percent of children and teens underestimated their weight. Fewer than 3 percent overestimated it. About...
Access to places for safe physical activity on the rise

September 4, 2014

By Ana B. Ibarra Physical activity among adults and teens is on the rise, according to a report released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The State Indicator Report on Physical Activity 2014 revealed that 54.5 percent...
Study examines effects of ‘neighborhood poverty’ on obesity

August 29, 2014

By Karene Booker By age 2, poor children have gained more weight than their wealthier counterparts. But after age 2, neighborhood poverty, not family poverty, puts the pounds on, finds a new study, published in the Journal of Applied Developmental...
Farmers market vouchers may help low-income families eat healthier

August 27, 2014

Giving low-income families vouchers to buy fruits and vegetables at farmers markets could increase their consumption of these healthy foods, according to a new study. Low-income families tend to eat fewer fruits and vegetables. In addition to not having adequate...
Sibling composition impacts childhood obesity risk

August 25, 2014

It is well-documented that children with obese parents are at greater risk for obesity. In a new study, researchers from Massachusetts General Hospital, Cornell University, and Duke University looked at how different kinds of family associations affect obesity, specifically how...
Safe routes to school examined: How structural changes around schools affect children’s mobility and safety

August 20, 2014

The problem. In 1969, more than 40 percent of U.S. schoolchildren ages 5 to 18 walked or bicycled to school. By 2009, this number had declined to 12.7 percent. A 2008 report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...
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