Displaying 24 of 24 results

Free drinking water available to most U.S. kids at school lunch

June 2, 2014

Most schools meet a new U.S. government requirement to provide free drinking water for students during lunchtime, a new study finds. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's rule for schools in the National School Lunch Program took effect at the start...
Family TV saturated with junk food ads

May 30, 2014

Researchers from the University of Liverpool have found that young people are exposed to advertisements that promote unhealthy food during primetime TV, which are normally banned from children's programming. An analysis of more than 750 ads found that almost one...
A third of school-age kids may have risky cholesterol levels

May 28, 2014

By Linda Poon Of all the things parents worry about when it comes to their children's health, high cholesterol probably isn't very high on the list. But roughly one in three primary school kids may already have borderline-high or high...
Americans don’t want soda tax, size restrictions

May 26, 2014

By Stacey Shackford Those hoping to dilute Americans' taste for soda, energy drinks, sweetened tea, and other sugary beverages should take their quest to school lunchrooms rather than legislative chambers, according to a recent study by media and health policy...
Gaining excess or too little weight during pregnancy tied to child obesity risk

May 21, 2014

According to researchers at Kaiser Permanente, gaining either excess weight or too little weight during pregnancy appears to elevate the risk of having an obese or overweight child. This study examined recommendations of the Institute of Medicine regarding pregnancy weight...
Motivating kids to be more physically active

May 19, 2014

Parents can help motivate kids to be more physically active, but the influence may not result in an improvement in their children's body mass index (BMI), finds a new evidence review in the American Journal of Health Promotion. "It was...
Inadequate sleep predicts risk of heart disease, diabetes in obese adolescents

May 16, 2014

Obese adolescents not getting enough sleep? A study in [the March 6 edition] the Journal of Pediatrics, shows they could be increasing their risk for developing diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Lack of sleep and obesity have been associated with...
Keep low-calorie foods close to choose them more often

May 14, 2014

By Shereen Jegtvig In a new study suggesting laziness could be tapped as a tool for healthier eating, people reached for low-calorie apple slices more often than buttery popcorn when the apples were within easier reach. "There are the little...
Lower IQ, worse heart fitness in teens linked to risk of early dementia in men

May 12, 2014

Having a lower IQ or poorer fitness at age 18 might increase a man's risk of developing dementia before age 60, a new study suggests. The analysis of data from 1.1 million Swedish men suggested that the risk of early...
2013 most obese, least obese states revealed

May 9, 2014

By Rachael Rettner Montana claimed the title of least obese state in 2013, bumping Colorado out of the top spot for the first time in three years, while Mississippi ranked as the most obese state, pushing West Virginia out of...
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