Displaying 24 of 24 results

Preemie birth linked to higher insulin levels in kids

April 7, 2014

By Randy Dotinga Based on tests of newborns and young children, a new study suggests that premature babies could face a higher risk of diabetes much later in life. The findings don't confirm a connection between premature birth and diabetes,...
Study: Obesity’s link to type 2 diabetes not so clear-cut

April 4, 2014

Although it's a common belief that a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes often follows a large weight gain, a new study challenges that notion. Researchers found that the majority of people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes didn't get the disease...
Study highlights long-term health effects of childhood obesity later in life

March 28, 2014

Childhood obesity rates have nearly tripled in the previous 30 years and researchers are asking the important question of how this epidemic will impact the future health of these obese children and public health in general. A University of Colorado...
Diabetes rates rise with food prices, as healthy options get too expensive

March 19, 2014

By Matthew Mientka A new study suggests blood sugar levels among people with diabetes may rise with food prices, as consumers are priced out of the healthy foods market. Researchers from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) measured blood sugar...
Americans consume too much added sugars, study says, and it’s killing us

March 17, 2014

By Karen Kaplan Americans consume too much sugar, and our collective sweet tooth is killing us. So says a study published Feb. 3 by the journal JAMA Internal Medicine. It finds that 71.4 percent of U.S. adults get more than...
Researchers identify primary factors responsible for preschool obesity

March 14, 2014

A lack of adequate sleep, having parents with high body mass index (BMI), and having their eating habits restricted for weight control purposes are the three most significant risk factors when it comes to childhood obesity for preschoolers, according to...
Study: U.S. teens eat too much salt, hiking obesity risk

March 12, 2014

By Alan Mozes American teens are taking in as much dietary salt as adults, far exceeding guidelines on healthy limits for daily consumption, new research warns. The investigation tracked the week-long eating habits of more than 760 black and white...
Study finds deregulation fueling obesity epidemic

March 10, 2014

Governments could slow or even reverse the growing obesity epidemic if they introduced more regulation into the global market for fast foods such as burgers, chips, and fizzy drinks, researchers said on Feb 3. A study published in the Bulletin...
Siting markets in ‘food deserts’ no quick cure for obesity, study says

March 7, 2014

By Melissa Healy The logic seems simple enough: The consumption of healthy foods is low and obesity is high in neighborhoods where supermarkets are notably absent; so, opening supermarkets in those neighborhoods should boost consumption of healthier foods and drive down obesity. Right? Not...
School health program helps kids get active

March 5, 2014

By Genevra Pittman Investing in a broad school health program could lead to in-school and at-home benefits for students, a new Canadian study hints. Children increased their daily physical activity on both school days and weekends in the years after...
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