NCCOR’s 2017 Annual Report showcases the Collaborative’s focus on physical activity throughout the year. NCCOR continues to advance physical activity research and practice by launching new tools and products, connecting and sharing information with the field, and looking ahead for emerging opportunities.
Launching new tools and products
As a central resource for researchers, NCCOR develops and updates data collections, user guides, and other tools. In 2017, NCCOR released several new tools with a special emphasis on physical activity:
- Individual Physical Activity Measures Registry User Guide
- Physical Activity Environment Measures Registry User Guide
- Youth Compendium of Physical Activities
- Health, Behavioral Design, and the Built Environment white paper
Connecting and sharing information with the field
NCCOR continued the successful Connect & Explore webinar series in 2017, convening nationally recognized experts to discuss current issues in childhood obesity research. The Collaborative also connected with the field through innovative social media activities on both Twitter and Facebook, and through various conferences, such as the American College of Sports Medicine 64th Annual Meeting, Environmental Design Research Association 48th Annual Conference, and The Obesity Society Annual Scientific Meeting.
Looking ahead for emerging opportunities
NCCOR will continue to pursue cross-cutting, innovative, member-led approaches to building the field of childhood obesity research in 2018, with attention on four key areas:
- Physical Activity projects related to increasing trail use among underserved youth, surveillance of youth active school transportation, and the benefits of walkability
- Greater focus on health equity, including publication in Childhood Obesity on the Childhood Obesity Declines project, which explored an alarming trend of significant disparities in the populations seeing improvements in childhood obesity prevalence
- Continuation of NCCOR’s strategic alliance with The JPB Foundation, with an emphasis on work related to the Measures Registry
- The Engaging Health Care Providers and Systems workgroup efforts on evaluating healthy weight programs
Read the full Annual Report at