In 2017, the National Collaborative on Childhood Obesity Research (NCCOR) formed a Physical Activity workgroup to foster cross-NCCOR planning and engagement among all partners related to physical activity. At the Senior Leadership Briefing in 2015, NCCOR began to consider opportunities for more engagement in the area of physical activity, given the evolving research on the importance of physical activity to obesity prevention and overall health in children. The Physical Activity workgroup was formed as a result of a September 2016 NCCOR meeting focused on identifying new physical activity projects.
Each of these projects builds on Step it Up! The Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Promote Walking and Walkable Communities. These projects aim to identify benefits of walkable communities beyond physical activity; provide guidance on improving comprehensive surveillance of youth active travel to school; understand how to increase trail use among underserved youth; and identify common economic indicators and methods to help public health practitioners make the business case for built environment and land sue improvements to increase physical activity, respectively.
For more detail information on physical activity projects, visit their pages below.
Additional Benefits of Walkability