Displaying 24 of 24 results

Same genes linked to rapid infant growth, later weight gains

October 29, 2014

By Steven Reinberg Infants who quickly add weight and length may be showing a genetic propensity for obesity as toddlers, a new study suggests. In adults, certain genes have been linked to increased body fat, but the same genes in...
The childhood obesity window is closing: Genetic influence of height and weight grows as we get older

July 9, 2014

By Matthew Mientka A new study on twins shows the importance of early intervention as America’s childhood obesity rate continues to rise after doubling during the past 30 years, with more than one-third of children overweight and obese. By comparing...
Study: Fried food can cause some more weight gain, depending on genes

April 14, 2014

By Kim Painter A diet full of fried foods isn't good for anyone, but it may result in more weight gain for people at a high genetic risk of obesity, a new study suggests. The study, published in the journal...
Obesity risk for kids who don’t taste ‘bitter’

November 1, 2012

Children who are less sensitive to bitter tastes are more likely to be obese — but only if they live where healthy food is hard to come by. Neither genes nor the environment alone can predict obesity in children, but...
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