
NEW! Spanish Translation of NCCOR’s Youth Compendium of Physical Activities

Great news for Spanish-language childhood obesity and physical activity researchers and practitioners: NCCOR’s Youth Compendium of Physical Activities is now available in Spanish!

The Youth Compendium of Physical Activities provides a list of 196 common activities in which youth participate and the estimated energy cost associated with each activity. The Spanish version includes activities common in Spain, Mexico, and Colombia. It can be used by a wide variety of people—from researchers and health care professionals to teachers, coaches, and fitness professionals—and in a variety of ways—including research, public health policy making, education, and interventions to encourage physical activity in youth.

This resource was translated in response to the rise of childhood obesity in Latin America and a need identified by NCCOR members and Latin American researchers for a tool to help address the growing epidemic.

Find the Spanish-language Youth Compendium of Physical Activities, fact sheet, and all of NCCOR’s research tools, on our website!

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